Hello Church Family. Here are some announcements and news from around the our church.
Monday: The Sumter STEM 4-H club is meeting for their Computer Science and Robotics meeting at 5:30 PM.

Tuesdays at 11:30 AM we meeting in the Sanctuary to pray together. Anyone is welcome to attend.

Tuesdays at 6 PM our Women's Ministry meets in the sanctuary for a Bible Study and fellowship. This is week 4 of the Discerning the Voice of God Bible Study written by Priscilla Shirer. Please join us for a wonderful study. There is also an ABC Women's Ministry Facebook Group. To join, please click HERE.

Wednesday Night Dinner starts at 5:30 PM. You are welcome to bring a side dish of some sort, but don't feel obligated. After Dinner, our Adult Bible Study starts at 6 PM, then immediately following at 7 PM is Worship Team Practice.
During Adult Bible Study, there is a kids bible study as well. All kids are welcome.
There will be a Vacation Bible School Volunteer meeting right after service on Sunday. If you are interested in helping out, please stay for a couple of minutes. This meeting won't take long. This years VBS Theme is: Stellar - Shining God's Light. VBS will be June 26-30 from 5:30-8 PM. We will serve dinner each night, and I have some really exciting hands on projects for the kids to do this year.
Please share with anyone that may have kids interested in attending. It is Free and all kids Kindergarten thru 5th Grade are welcome.

Other News:
- Daily Bread Books, Prayer Lists, and Directories are available in the Sanctuary on the Foyer Table.
- This coming Sunday is Mother's Day
I pray you all have a wonderful week.