Did you know that each Sunday we stream our sermon on Facebook Live?
We DO! Every Sunday morning at 10:45AM we stream the worship service on our Facebook Channel. Be sure to click "Like" and "Follow" to get a notification when we GO LIVE.
Did you also know that after the service we upload the Audio to the Sermons tab on our website?
Yup! It's true. After the service on Sundays we upload the recorded audio to our Sermons tab so you can listen to it directly from our website.
Did you know we have a YouTube Channel?
Once again it is true! We have a YouTube Channel that our sermons and other videos get uploaded to. You can watch Pastor Ken anytime you wish and EASILY sort through sermons. Visit our YouTube channel at www.youtube.com or click the image below and be sure to Subscribe.
Be sure to like/follow/subscribe on all social media. We have Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok.
See you soon!