Good evening Church Family. There are a few important items that we need to share:
- Tomorrow (Saturday) June 24th is Ms. Peggy Close's Going Home Service. The Viewing is at 9:30 AM, and the Service is at 10:30 AM at FBC LEESBURG.
-Men's Prayer Breakfast is CANCELLED for tomorrow (Saturday 6/24/2023).
- Sunday Morning Breakfast and Sunday School will be in the Fellowship Hall. The Cafe is closed for VBS this week.
- Vacation Bible School Starts Monday at 5:30 PM. We already have several kids registered. Please keep the volunteers, teachers, and students in your prayers this week. VBS will run all week long.
- Wednesday Night Bible Study is CANCELLED for this week (6/28/2023) due to VBS.
If you have any questions, please email Jenna at: adamsvillebaptist@gmail.com